Parents’ Terms & Conditions

DAS Parents' Terms and conditions of service

These Terms and Conditions are set for the benefit of parents of Dyslexia Association of Singapore Limited (“DAS”) students to enable a clear understanding of the service provided by DAS. DAS reserves the right to update and revise the Terms and Conditions of Service below as and when necessary.


  • As MOE pays for approximately 50% of the tuition fees for the Main Literacy programme and/or you have obtained financial assistance from DAS, your child must maintain at least 75% attendance each term and should not miss more than 5 hours in a term in order to remain on the programme and/or be eligible for subsidised rates.
  • Please note that DAS and MOE will conduct a review of your child’s progress before his/her 48, 72 and 96 months on the Main Literacy Programme to determine if he/she has reached specific achievement points to be eligible for continued MOE funding.
  • Please be advised that each child is eligible to attend only one MOE-funded programme. Parents are therefore required to inform DAS if your child is attending the School-based Dyslexia Remediation (SDR) programme or if there is an intention to enrol the child in SDR as each child is only entitled to attend either the SDR or MOE-funded DAS Main Literacy Programme.
  • Effective 2022 and as agreed with MOE, DAS will make available supplementary classes in the form of Structured Mandatory Make-Up (SMMU) at the end of each term for all Main Literacy Programme lessons missed due to gazetted public holidays, school holidays and DAS closure days such as Teacher’s day and eve of National Day. The dates and times of the SMMUs are non-negotiable and will be determined by DAS and advised to parents on a termly basis.
  • The MOE subsidy applies for the Main Literacy Programme and eligibility is for students who have a diagnosis of dyslexia, are a Singapore Citizen and is attending a MOE Mainstream School that qualifies for MOE funding for the DAS MLP. Or the student is a Singapore PR/Foreigner but has one parent who is Singaporean and the student is attending an MOE school.  A list of MOE mainstream schools can be found here:  MAINSTREAM MOE SCHOOLS
  • If there are any changes to citizenship or the school attended by your child, please inform DAS immediately. Upon notification, if there are any changes to the fees payable by your child, it will take effect from the following term only.


  • Your child must be punctual for all his/her classes.

  • For all non-MOE funded programmes, the fees payable are on per term and not per class basis, for any class that falls on a gazetted public holiday, school holiday and DAS closure days such as Teacher’s day and eve of National Day, there will be no replacement or refund of classes.

  • Make up classes will only be conducted if DAS cancels any scheduled classes. No make up classes or refund of fees if a student is absent for a scheduled class for whatever reasons.

  • Written withdrawal notification of at least 4 weeks must be given to DAS and all withdrawals will only take effect at the end of each term.

  • Request for changes to the class schedule is subject to availability.

  • For SES Speech Drama and Arts Programme (“SDA”), there will be a student performance held at the end of each calendar year instead of MTP.

  • For quality assurance and training purposes, DAS may make video recordings of its classes.

  • DAS reserves the right to discontinue services at its sole discretion if your child’s conduct or behaviour in class affects his own safety and/or the safety of the other students and DAS staff. 

In light of the recent increase in the number of COVID-19 cases, DAS classes may be required to be conducted online at short notice as mandated or recommended by the relevant government agencies.

To provide continuity for your child’s learning, DAS classes will be conducted online if our educational therapist tests positive but is well and able to continue to conduct classes virtually. Our educational therapist will give parents at least a day’s prior notice if classes are to switch online. If our educational therapist is tested positive on the day of class, then the class will be postponed and made up accordingly.

Parents/ Guardians are advised to provide support and devices to their child/ ward to attend online classes when required. Please do not hesitate to approach DAS colleagues should you require additional information.


  • All term fees will be collected via GIRO.

  • Late payment charges will be imposed. Please ensure prompt payment of fees as this may affect the continuation of your child’s classes.

  • Should you require financial assistance, please contact your Centre Manager.

  • Full-term fees are payable even if a child withdraws mid-term. There will be no refund of fees paid.


  • In order to graduate from the Main Literacy Programme, please note that your child must be a current student till the end of his/her graduating year.

  • To better collaborate with professionals involved in your child’s education, DAS reserves the right to notify your child’s enrolment and his/her progress in DAS with your child’s school and/or the Ministry of Education (MOE).

  • You will be liable for any damaged or lost DAS library books.

  • DAS accepts no responsibility nor liability for losses/damages of any personal property or injury to person/s within DAS premises.

  • Parents and/or guardians will accept full liability for any damage caused by the student to DAS property.

  • Parents/Caregivers are advised to send/pick up their child 5 minutes before/after class.

  • In the event your child is unwell or injured, DAS staff may administer basic first aid as it deems necessary. Should your child require more than basic first aid, DAS will call for emergency medical services and the parent/main caregiver/emergency contact (as provided to DAS) will be notified accordingly.

  • If there are any changes to citizenship or the school attended by your child, please inform DAS immediately. Upon notification, if there are any changes to the fees payable by your child, it will take effect from the following term only.


In accordance with the PDPA Act, I give consent to DAS to collect, use and disclose my and my child’s personal data and educational information for the following purposes:

  • to notify me of relevant events or activities organised by DAS.

  • to utilise pictures/videos/materials with regard to your child for training and research purposes.

  • for requesting continued funding support from the Ministry of Education (MOE). – Information such as literacy needs, intervention plans, progress at DAS, reports from DAS and other ancillary services will be shared with MOE.

  • for collaboration with school teachers and Allied Educators and providing them with needful information such as literacy needs, intervention plans, progress at DAS, reports from DAS and other ancillary services. This is to ensure that your child obtains timely, appropriate and uninterrupted learning support.

Disclaimer: DAS may at its sole discretion, without prior notice, deny or terminate its services without assigning any reasons.