Chinese Programme

Introduction To Chinese Programme

The DAS Chinese Programme is an intervention-based programme for students with dyslexia, Specific Learning Difficulties and struggling learners who have persistent difficulties with learning Chinese. The programme supports learners from 7 to 17 years-old in their learning of Chinese by teaching them skills and strategies to learn the language independently. Our programmes are all research-based. Research and evaluation will be conducted consistently to ensure the programme suits our students’ needs.


“My child hates Chinese!” is a sentiment shared by many parents, not just those with dyslexia! We understand that it is not an easy task as your child probably faces one if not many of the following difficulties when learning Chinese:


Confusion with similar-looking characters (相似字形的混淆)爱 vs 受
Characters that sound alike (发音相似的字)
Characters that are related in meaning (字义相近的字)

The Chinese programme focuses on the following aspects to help increase efficiency in learning and interest in the Chinese language:

  • Common vocabulary and sentence structure to enhance learner’s expressiveness in Chinese.
  • Word recognition strategies instruction to enhance the learner’s ability to recognise Chinese characters.
  • Morphological awareness to expand learner’s vocabulary network.
  • Reading comprehension and writing strategies instruction for the learner to gain competency in higher-order literacy skills.

Dyslexia affects the learning of all languages. Simply put, dyslexia affects how your child processes the sounds of the language. Besides difficulties in reading and writing in the language, very often, your child’s processing skills are also affected. Learning of Chinese can also be more challenging for your child because of the way Chinese characters are written.


Common difficulties 常见错误:

  1. Limited vocabulary
  2. Wrong association of words
  3. Poor retention of learning
  4. Poor understanding of radical positions
  5. Easily confused with visually, phonetically or semantically-similar characters;
    易混淆字形、字音相近或字义相连的汉字, 如:午/牛;因/阴;校/学
  6. Untidiness, incorrect strokes order, out of proportion
    书写时 字体东歪西倒,笔顺错误,大小比例不均
  7. Laborious writing
  8. Adds or omits strokes
    增删笔画,例如:大 vs 太、本 vs 木
  9. Inversion

Teaching Approach

To motivate children to learn, we will build their interest first. We set up a safe and friendly learning environment, to encourage students to use the language as much as they can. To make Chinese more interesting and useful, our lesson plans are full of activities and games, we also choose thematic-based topics which are closer to their daily life.


Orton-Gillingham approach and Chinese teaching


Diagnostic and Prescriptive: Before your child starts intervention with us, there is profiling for us to get to know your child better. This allows your child to be in a class that is suited for him/her. Informal tests are also done in the classroom for us to know how much your child knows or has learnt and what to teach next.


Language-based: Your child will learn language rules. These language rules help them to read and write in Chinese.


Cognitive: Your child is taught to think about his/her learning, understand the reasons behind them and how to use the strategies to help them develop their skills in reading, spelling and writing.


Emotionally Sound: Learning is pegged at the level of your child’s ability with a reasonable level of challenge


Simultaneously multisensory: We use a mix of the learning pathways: seeing, hearing, feeling and awareness of motion to help your child understand what is to be learnt with greater ease and success.


Structured, sequential and cumulative: Reviews help your child to better retain what they have learnt. New skills are taught in bite-sizes with easy-to-follow instructions. The teaching of higher-order language skills of reading comprehension and writing starts with simpler skills such as speaking and listening.

有结构、按部就班、循序渐进的方式: 复习活动能帮助您的孩子更好地存储已学过的知识。新技能的教学会以小板块的形式,以及简单易懂的指示语来进行。教学也会先从更简单的技能开始,例如口语和听力技能,循序渐进地教阅读理解及写作技能。

Chinese Programme Type

The DAS Chinese Programme is open to students who encounter difficulties in their learning journey, whether they have a formal diagnosis or not. This approach recognizes that learning difficulties may not always fit neatly into a specific diagnosis but still require tailored support.

Email us at [email protected] and we can advise you further!


请通过电邮联系我们:[email protected],我们将为您提供进一步的建议!

1-Hour Programme 小学一小时课程

Suitable for  适合于Primary 1 to 6 students  小一至小六的学生

Class duration  课程时长1 hour per lesson; once a week 1周1次,1次1小时

Class size 班级人数5

2-hour programme 小学两小时课程

Suitable for  适合于:  Primary 4 to 6 Students 小四至小六的学生

Class duration  课程时长2 hours per lesson; once a week   1周1次,1次2小时

Class size  班级人数6

Teaching content  教学内容 

We adopt a thematic-based approach and focus on word recognition strategies to help students over their challenges when learning Chinese characters. Depending on the ability of your child, we may cover the following components in the classroom:


  • Vocabulary Building 词汇累积
  • Sentence Structures and Verbal 句型和口语表达
  • Expressiveness 句型和口语表达
  • Oral Conversation Topics 口试会话
  • Word Recognition Strategies 识字技巧
  • Reading Comprehension 阅读理解
  • Writing Exercises 写作活动
  • Exam Preparation 备考技能

Suitable for  适合于Secondary 1 to 3 students  中一至中三的学生

Class duration  课程时长2 hours per lesson; once a week   1周1次,1次2小时

Class size  班级人数8

Teaching content  教学内容 

  • Language Skills and Vocabulary covered in the MOE curriculum  涵盖主流学校课程语言点和词汇
  • In-class dialogues on current affairs  “小课室,大世界” 课堂讨论,聚焦热点时事
  • Reading different text-types  接触不同文体阅读材料
  • Critical thinking  培养批判性思维
  • Higher literacy skills such as reading comprehension and writing  阅读理解及写作等高阶读写技能

Suitable for 适合于Secondary 4 students taking the O Level and N level examination 应对O水准和N水准考试的中四的学生

Class duration 课程时长2 hours per lesson; once a week  1周1次,1次2小时

Term 1 and 2 (recommended for students taking O Level Chinese) 第一和第二学期(推荐考O水准华文的学生

Term 1 to 3 (recommended for students taking N Level Chinese) 第一到第三学期 (推荐考N水准华文的学生)

Class size 班级人数8

Teaching content 教学内容:

Our programme aims to help students to build up on their higher order literacy skills targeted at reading comprehension and writing tasks. Topics discussed and vocabulary introduced will be in relevance to the national exams.


Who We Are

The Chinese programme was started in 2013. Since then, the programme has helped more than 600 students in their learning of Chinese. We support learners with dyslexia from seven to sixteen years old in their learning of Chinese by teaching them skills and strategies to learn the language independently. Our programmes are all research-based. Research and evaluation will be conducted consistently to ensure the programme suits our students’ needs.


Meet the Chinese Team

Manager, Chinese Programme
Senior Educational Therapist & RETA Associate Member Plus
Parkway Parade and
Bishan Learning Centre

Hi everyone, this is Chien Ling, I am the Programme Manager for the Chinese Team and a Senior Educational Therapist. We are a group of Educational Therapists who love the Chinese language and are passionate about teaching. We believe that every child will grow to love Chinese, with the right support and environment.

Our team of Educational Therapists are trained in dyslexia and the provision of Chinese intervention to our learners. Each educational therapist would have undergone at least 60 hours of training in dyslexia and Chinese literacy support and advanced literacy skills as basic training. There is also a practicum component followed by continued mentoring by seniors on the team. Most of us also have at least a Postgraduate Certificate in Special Educational Needs.

We have developed a curriculum to support students with dyslexia from Primary 1 to Secondary 4. Our curriculum is carefully crafted according to Orton-Gillingham’s Principles to meet the needs of our students. We also engage the use of technologies to engage students in our lessons.

大家好。我是芊玲, 我是华文组的负责人,也是资深教育治疗师。我们是一群热爱华文的教育治疗师,并且对教育有极大的热忱。我们相信如果有正确的指导和学习环境,每一个孩子会渐渐喜欢上华文的。



Lui Hai Feng

Learning Centre

Ong Yun Mei

Leaning Centre

Yue Lilian

Leaning Centre

Kate Ong

Learning Centre

Sandy Chia

Jurong Point
Learning Centre

Sophie Gao

Jurong Point and
Bishan Learning Centre

Zoe Kee Zhang

Jurong Point
Learning Centre

Jenny Liu

Serangoon and
Bishan Learning Centre

Hu Ying

Learning Centre

Lim Ching Ching

Learning Centre


Tong Yuet Yi

Parkway Parade
Learning Centre


Selina Huang Ying

Selina Huang

Parkway Parade
Learning Centre

Su Chun Ying

Learning Centre

Catherine Ni

Learning Centre

Wang Zhaoyu

Learning Centre

Violet Hu

Learning Centre


In our annual parent rating survey by parents, more than 80% of parents like yourself would rate that they are pleased or very pleased by the progress they see in their child. This is what they are saying:


“I feel that I can better understand the concepts taught at DAS and I find the word recognition stragtegies taught to be useful to help me recall the characters. ”

“Chinese subject focus more about building interest in the language, then followed by individual words before moving on to forming sentences and lastly paragraphs. The beauty of DAS is that the classes are smaller and the students are grouped according to their ability rather than level of studies in schools. It allows the teachers to be able to teach more effectively, targeting at areas of weaknesses.It directly builds a student’s confidence so that they won’t feel left out and will be more motivated to continue learning.”

“The lessons have so far been encouraging to her. Chinese lessons have benefited my child from not speaking mandarin to make the effort to speak basic chinese and words used.”

“Teacher’s pedagogical approach, her dedication to guide low ability students and her ability to notice the smallest details of my child’s learning.”
教师的教学法, 对能力较弱的学生的奉献也善于发现学生学习的细节

“With the Chinese Teacher’s guidance and encouragement, my child started to read up some simple articles and have some interest in watching Chinese dramas. Nowadays, she tries to converse with simple Chinese which she has feared in the past. We could see that she is very motivated to learn Chinese after taking up the Chinese program. We believe that with the constant guidance of the Chinese teachers, my child will make great progress in her Chinese language.”

Media and Publications

Media Coverage 媒体报道


读写障碍协会多管齐下 五年来逾500学生加强华文读写能力 联合早报(2019年3月21日)

华文读写能力测试工具 鉴定学生障碍方便对症下药 联合早报(2018年3月10日)

读写障碍协会华文辅助课程受欢迎 联合早报(2017年6月5日) 

Dyslexia group looks to help more kids with Chinese The Straits Times (2 August 2016) 

Research 研究


Chinese Semantic Radical Card Deck​

Interested in our Chinese Semantic Radical Card Deck to help your child in word recognition? The Chinese Semantic Radical Card Deck is developed by DAS Academy in collaboration with the DAS Chinese curriculum team.


To purchase, click here.


1. Take Home Learning Package Showcase 居家学习配套展现

When students were not able to attend classes physically, we provided a Take Home Learning Package to ensure continual learning. There are also worksheets emailed to students to complete some activities. Below is a short clip from one of our packages:


2. Online Teaching 线上教学

Our Educational Therapists have adapted quickly to the pandemic and continue to support our students online whenever there is a need. Our resources are interactive and provide visual aids for students to learn effectively.


Frequently Asked Questions

The Chinese Programme aims to help students become independent and curious learners of the Chinese language. The programme helps to increase the learner’s efficiency and interest in the Chinese language.

The classes do not run parallel to the MOE school syllabus. However, reference is made to the word list for primary school students.

Chinese lessons at the DAS follows Orton-Gillingham principles in our delivery which has been shown to help dyslexics learn better. Ongoing research is also tied to the programme to measure the effectiveness in helping our students. The initial stages of findings have found significant improvement made for students on the programme.

Chinese Primary 1-hour programme: Maximum 5 students
Chinese Primary 2-hour programme: Maximum 6 students
Chinese Secondary Programme: Maximum of 8 students

Yes, a student can enrol in the programme even if he is exempted, so long as he has a diagnosis of Dyslexia and/or other Specific Learning Differences. However, priority will be given to students who are not exempted.

The DAS Chinese Programme is open to students who encounter difficulties in their learning journey, whether they have a formal diagnosis or not.

Yes. You will need to submit a valid copy of your child’s psychological report with the application form.

The programme currently does not offer one-to-one remediation under das Services. However, you may refer to our das International Specialist Tutoring to enquire more about one-to-one remediation in Chinese. See here for more information:  Chinese Specialist Tutoring

Lessons are conducted at the following learning centres:
Bishan, Serangoon, Sengkang, Jurong Point, Parkway Parade, Henderson, Tampines, Rex House, Choa Chua Kang

Currently, our primary school programme is 1 hour per week at all centres offering Chinese. For Primary 6 students, there is an option of attending a 2-hour programme, also at all centres offering Chinese. Our Secondary school programme is 2 hours per week.

Please refer to this link to all about fees. Bursaries are also available to eligible students – See here for BURSARIES

We do not offer any assessment for the exemption of Chinese.




小学一小时课程: 最多5名学生
小学两小时课程: 最多6名学生
中学课程: 最多8名学生




DAS华文课程目前并不提供一对一辅导。家长可以向 DAS International Chinese Specialist Tutoring(专业辅导)项目咨询一对一辅导的详情。



