We Assess For Dyslexia, ADHD, Dyscalculia, And Other Learning Differences​
Dyslexia Association of Singapore provides a wide range of services catered for individuals that learn differently. DAS extends our services to learners who fall through the cracks because they do not have a formal diagnosis of dyslexia and other special educational needs.
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DAS now opens its doors to
those who learn differently
DAS extends our services to learners who fall through the cracks because they do not have a formal diagnosis of dyslexia and other special educational needs but experience the same challenges. DAS also provides
financial assistance for all DAS programmes.
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Update on Learning Centres' Contact Numbers
To enhance communication and improve our services, all existing learning centre phone lines will be deactivated by 8 September.

Starting 9 September, please call 6444 5700 for all inquiries.
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DAS Academy Skillsfuture
Credit-Eligible Courses
As part of the Training Network Model (TNM) initiative with Social Service Institute (SSI), seven of DAS Academy's courses are now SkillsFuture Credit-eligible, 70% funded! Participants can use their SkillsFuture credits to pay for the remaining 30% of course fees.
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Careers at DAS
We want you!
Embark on a meaningful career and help shape
the lives of children with dyslexia! Receive specialised
training and support to develop professionally in the
field of Specific Learning Differences.
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Free Dyslexia Screening
DAS conducts free screenings for student’s
at-risk level of dyslexia.
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Parents' Advisory
For important information about your child's learning at DAS
click to read our latest advisory.
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What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a specific learning difference that makes it difficult for people to read, write and/or spell. It has nothing to do with a person’s intelligence. Often, weaknesses may be seen in areas such as language development, memory and sequencing. Having dyslexia does not mean that your child’s ability to learn is below average.

Dyslexia is a life-long condition that usually runs in families. You are unable to determine that someone has dyslexia just by looking at them and some start out fine in school, but gradually schoolwork can become a struggle for them especially the transition from preschool to primary, then primary to secondary, or secondary to tertiary.

Our Services

The Dyslexia Association of Singapore has many programmes to support learners with dyslexia and other learning differences.

Get Involved

The Dyslexia Association of Singapore has many programmes to support learners with dyslexia and other learning differences.

Raise Awareness About Embrace Dyslexia
Explore Opportunities To Work With DAS
Believe In Our Individuals
Donate To DAS Programmes
Sharing Is Caring
Advocate For Embrace Dyslexia

Latest Blogs

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DAS Academy

The DAS Academy empowers parents and educators with knowledge and skills to better support children who learn differently.

DAS International

DAS International aims to provide holistic assessment and professional tutoring services to students in Singapore and the region who have a range of Specific Learning Differences, behavioural difficulties and developmental disorders so that they can achieve and reach their full potential.


The Register of Educational Therapists (Asia) was formed to connect practitioners in the field of Specific Learning Differences and Education, while recognising their professional status and endorsing their qualifications at the same time.


The Dyslexia Association of Singapore provides a wide range of services catered for individuals who learn differently including those with dyslexia and other specific learning differences.