Empower Your Learning Journey with iREACH

“Unlocking each student's potential requires moving beyond the limitations of 'one size fits all teaching'.”

Supporting primary and secondary level students who learn differently in reading comprehension and writing entails a multifaceted approach that addresses their unique needs. These students could have dyslexia, ADHD or other learning differences. This could have an impact on their reading and writing abilities.

Students who learn differently often encounter specific challenges in reading comprehension and writing. Dyslexia, for instance, affects phonological processing, which makes it difficult for students to decode words and read fluently. ADHD can impact a student’s ability to focus and organise their thoughts. This is crucial for both reading and writing. Recognising these challenges is the first step in providing effective support.

Differentiated instruction tailors teaching methods to meet the diverse needs of students hence in the Dyslexia Association of Singapore (DAS), we offer the iReaCH programme. The iReaCH programme is developed for Primary 1 to Secondary 5 students providing them with the skills and content knowledge in coping with Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing and Reading Comprehension.

Educational Technology integration can significantly enhance vocabulary instruction by providing interactive and engaging tools for our students. Apps and online platforms, such as Blooket, Kahoot!, Quizlet and Padlet, make learning new vocabulary words fun and interactive. With the adoption of technology, Educational Therapists can also monitor progress and identify areas where students may need additional support, making vocabulary instruction more targeted and efficient.

For reading comprehension, explicit instruction is vital. Students will learn strategies like summarising, predicting and questioning in Reading Comprehension so as to enhance their understanding of the text.

Nevertheless, the writing process is scaffolded into manageable steps for students who struggle with organisation. Our Educational Therapists will coach them to brainstorm, outline, draft, and revise their work in stages making the task less overwhelming.

Teaching students who learn differently has been an incredibly rewarding experience for me. Each day presents a new challenge and an opportunity to innovate and adapt my methods to meet the diverse needs of my students. I have witnessed the remarkable progress that students can achieve when lessons are tailored to individual learning styles.

Personally for me, I enjoy integrating technology into my online lessons as well as providing one-on-one support whenever they need my assistance. This teaching journey has taught me the importance of patience, creativity and empathy. Watching my students gain confidence and reach their full potential has been the most gratifying part of my teaching career.

Here in DAS, we believe in providing an inclusive classroom environment where every students feel valued and supported. This means celebrating diverse learning styles and encouraging a growth mindset. Educational Therapists foster this environment by using positive reinforcement, setting realistic goals and offering encouragement and support.

Therefore, working with specialists such as Educational Therapists, can provide additional support for students who learn differently. Regular communication between the Educational Therapist and parents ensures that everyone is working together to support the student. DAS professionals can offer targeted interventions and strategies to address specific challenges in reading and writing. We offer face-to-face classes at DAS Learning Centres for Primary 1 to 4, while classes for Primary 5 to Secondary 5 are conducted online via Google Meet or face-to-face at a DAS Learning Centre.

In conclusion, supporting primary and secondary-level students who learn differently in reading comprehension and writing requires a comprehensive approach that includes differentiated instruction, technology integration, explicit teaching and an inclusive learning environment. Collaboration with Educational Therapists and parents is also a key component in providing support to students. By implementing these strategies, students will be able to overcome their challenges and achieve their full potential in reading and writing.

Written by:
Zaidah M J,
MEd, B.A. (Psych)
Senior Educational Therapist
RETA Associate Fellow