What can I expect when I apply for and come for an assessment?

Submit an application form

When you apply for an assessment for yourself / your child, you would need to submit the following:

  • A Main Application Form that requires you to provide feedback on your concerns and observations of yourself / your child
  • A teacher’s questionnaire that has to be completed by your child’s school teacher(s). If you are applying for yourself, then this is where applicable
  • Identification documents e.g. Birth Certificate
  • School results / work samples

Once DAS receives the Main Application Form, an SMS notification will be sent informing you of the assessment wait time. Based on the information provided by you (and the teacher(s), where applicable), the DAS Psychologists would review your concerns and recommend on the type of assessment (e.g. Dyslexia only, ADHD only or both) that would be appropriate.

Review and scheduling

A DAS staff will call to arrange for an assessment appointment. An assessment at the DAS is usually conducted on a weekday morning. However, if the assessment requires a longer period of time, it may take a whole day, or the assessment may be conducted over two days. An appointment letter will be provided, which can be used to inform the school to excuse you / your child from school on the stated days.


On the day of the assessment, the DAS Psychologist will first have a short chat with you for about 30 minutes, while your child waits in a separate room. If you are applying for yourself, then the assessment commences with the interview. During this interview, the DAS Psychologist will ask you questions to gather more details, such as your child’s language exposure, medical and developmental history, prior intervention and support received, as well as the concerns with his/her learning and/or behaviours. The testing session with you / your child will commence once the interview has ended. The typical duration of an assessment is about four hours. However, some assessments may take longer or may be split over two sessions.

Verbal feedback and written report

After the assessment, the DAS Psychologist will need time to analyse and interpret the test results while taking into consideration the feedback provided, in order to come to a conclusion if you / your child meets criteria for any diagnoses. The final results and recommendations will be discussed with you a week later, in a face-to-face verbal feedback session that takes around 45 minutes. A written report will then be provided to you around 6 weeks after the assessment.

Click here for more info!

By SAS Team
SpLD Assessments Services and Main Literacy Programme