DAS Main Literacy Programme (MLP) Parents' Orientation

DAS Main Literacy Programme (MLP)
Parents' Orientation
MLP Parents’ Orientation is conducted termly by the Parents Support Group (PSG) for all parents.
All parents of yet-to-be or newly enrolled students and any persons who might benefit are strongly encouraged to attend. This gives us an opportunity to welcome you and share information on how best to support your child. Our aim is to attempt to answer all your questions to the best of our ability and help make the transition smooth for your child.
Parents’ orientation will help you understand how:
The DAS Main Literacy Programme supports your child with dyslexia, your child’s progress is monitored and shared with you and you can also find out what else you can do to help your child.
This talk will benefit you regardless of whether your child is an existing student, is waiting for an assessment, waiting to be placed in a DAS class, or you are keen to know more about our programmes.
ADMISSION IS FREE! To register, email [email protected]
Term | MLP Parents' Orientation Webinar (10.30 am) |
Term 1 | Saturday, 27 January 2024 |
Term 3 | Saturday, 13 July 2024 |
* The event dates may be subject to change.