Safe YouTube Explained!

DAY 51 – Safe YouTube Explained #CircuitBreaker #EmbraceDyslexia

Children may be a little as 2 clicks away from adult content on YouTube. If this is a cause of concern for you, then this article is just for you!

It is a common sight these days to see children, young and the not-so-young being fixated to YouTube. Why wouldn’t they be when YouTube seems to have it all – learning and educational content, music, explainer videos and almost anything under and above the sun?

As educators and family members, we too may come across good videos that we’d like to share with our students and children. Although the video can be shared with the click of a button, I have to stop you right there. Take a moment to imagine this: You have just shared a really funny family-friendly video to your child and at the end of the video, YouTube shows up a list of suggested videos with a long list of comments from members of the public across the globe.

The danger here is that YouTube is unable to manually filter inappropriate content – there is a chance that inappropriate content may slip through the curation process and may contain nudity, violence, undesirable advertisement and just weird stuff.

The comments section, on the other hand, can be a cause for concern too as there’s no guarantee that the commenters would be posting their comments with the best of intentions.

Simple! Safe YouTube comes to your rescue! Just copy the URL of the YouTube video you want to share and paste it on Safe YouTube. You will then be given a new link which you can share with anyone. When clicked, Safe YouTube will only show the video you wanted to share. There will be no suggested videos popping up at the end of the video and the comments section will not be shown. Ta-daa!

Well, we can’t think of any! Safe YouTube is free for all, no registration and installation required and also has essential features such as closed caption, playback speed, responsive design that works on any device and does not add any annoying advertisements to the video you’d like to share! You have to give this a try because there’s no reason not to!

By Soofrina Mubarak
Senior Educational Therapist and Edutech Coordinator
Rex House Learning Centre

DAS English Language & Literacy Division

Read the article here