Fun with Subtraction and Multiplication

Maths tips brought to you by Aishah Binte Abdullah (Albel), Lead Educational Therapist BJ8 Learning Centre

Have fun with Subtraction

  1. Select a number from along the left side of the grid.
  2. Select another number that is smaller or of the same value as the first number, from along the top of the grid.
  3. Subtract these two numbers.
  4. Draw an arrow straight across from the side number.
  5. Draw another arrow straight down from the top number.
  6. Where the two arrows meet, do you get the difference between the two numbers?
  7. Make some sums of your own eg. 7 – 3 = 4


Subtraction Grid


Have fun with Multiplication

  1. Select a number from along the left side of the grid.
  2. Select another number from along the top of the grid.
  3. Multiply these two numbers.
  4. Draw an arrow straight across from the side number.
  5. Draw another arrow straight down from the top number.
  6. Where the two arrows meet, do you get the product of the two numbers?
  7. Make some sums of your own eg. 6 x 3 = 18


Multiplication grid:

Make your own times tables grid and keep it in your bag for reference.