DAY 46 – Being responsive and adaptive: It’s in our DNA! Part 3 #CircuitBreaker #EmbraceDyslexia
By going online, learning no longer has boundaries, except the ones we impose on ourselves. However, with this change in the logistics of learning and teaching, DAS Educational Therapists may also need to change the way they manage their online classes as well as their students’ behaviour. Here’s an example of one of our Educational Therapists’ online class rules!
Educational Therapists jointly set expectations with their students of online class behaviour at the early stages of online lessons so that students are in agreement with the expectations.
Whether teaching online or in person, it is essential that educators have patience and compassion in any class setting. When dealing with behaviour problems, DAS Educational Therapists know that their growing relationship with students and parents will be the foundation for a stable learning environment. We therefore try and keep things positive, light, and engaging.
Disruptions happen. Teaching online, especially when one is new to it, Educational Therapists have to solve technical problems, answer questions, analyse opinions, and have open discussions with colleagues and parents of their students. It is also best that disruptions are kept to a minimum, on both sides so that learning can take place on time and go smoothly as planned. DAS Educational Therapists also work hand in hand with parents to be able to provide the best learning experience possible for our students.
Being accountable for our actions are decisions is a life skill. Older students should be responsible for the work assigned to them and well aware of their progress. This strategy provides students with a sense of purpose and helps them focus on getting their work done. Adoption of platforms such as Google Classroom shows students the work that is still pending with due dates and even a score that they’ll have to attain. Usually, online classes offer more flexibility for both the student and the teacher. Therefore, there is an increased chance for students to become distracted at home. At the start and before the end of our classes, Educational Therapists check with students if there was anything the students feel they didn’t quite understand. These strategies can help to prepare for the next session before class is over.
Educators may agree that students tend to act up when they are least engaged in a learning activity. When managing behaviour, engaging all students will minimize unsavoury behaviours. Other than telling jokes and offering exciting but informative knowledge that educates as well as amuses them, DAS Educational Therapists also tap on innovative technological tools such as Insert Learning to add in questions and quizzes for students. This helps, especially because a typical learner’s attention span for a video is usually within 3 minutes. For learners with learning differences, this time may be shorter. So, tools such as Insert Learning help to interject the videos with concept checking questions and activities to engage the learner meaningfully, while also deepening their understanding. We all learn best when we’re having fun in a safe environment. Managing an online live classroom need not be as intimidating as it might seem. Some (not all) of the same rules that apply to a brick and mortar school can apply to an online school.
By Soofrina Mubarak
Senior Educational Therapist and EduTech Coordinator
DAS English Language & Literacy Division
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Since the start of the COVID-19 situation, DAS has had to respond to delivering our remediation classes as well as all of our training online! We decided to go ahead with our Preschool Seminar as an online webinar and since then in March we have become quite adept at doing things online. So preparations have been going well for this next online experience and we look forward to having you as a participant at UNITE SPLD.
DAS has been overwhelmed with the support of our local and international colleagues and we appreciate their continued support of our SpLD community.
We look forward to delivering you a “different” conference this year, we will not let the virus stop us from learning!
Ticket sales will be available on 27 April 2020 @ $75 each. DAS Parents get a discount – call our hotline: 6444 5700 (Office Hours)