DAY 37 – UNITE SPLD 2020 LIVE FROM USA #CircuitBreaker #EmbraceDyslexia
DAS has decided to proceed with our annual conference UNITE SPLD 2020 as an online conference delivered by webinar. The conference will be held on Wednesday, 24 June and Thursday, 25 June 2020.
Day 2 of the conference will see four live presentations! They include a one LIVE from the USA from JULIE WASHINGTON on “Addressing the Literacy Needs of Children Who Speak Non-mainstream Dialects”.
Dr. Julie A. Washington is a Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education at Georgia State University, Program in Communication Disorders. Dr. Washington is also an affiliate faculty of Georgia State University’s Language and Literacy Initiative, a unique research initiative focused on the Challenges of Acquiring Language and Literacy. Dr. Washington’s work focuses on understanding cultural dialect use in young African American children with a specific emphasis on language assessment, literacy attainment, and academic performance. Her work with preschoolers has focused on understanding and improving the emergent literacy skills necessary to support later reading proficiency in high risk groups, with a special focus on the needs of African American children. Dr. Washington is an author of Big Day for PreK and a program advisor for READ 180 Universal.
When children come from different language backgrounds learning to read can be impacted significantly. Research demonstrates that the more dialect children use the more difficult their reading and writing development will be. It has been hypothesised across languages that this greater linguistic distance from the written standard creates a kind of cognitive dissonance for children as they must manage the mismatch between their spoken variety and the language of books. This presentation will focus on dialect differences, their impact on both reading and writing and the impact of these differences on teaching and learning.
DAS has been overwhelmed with the support of our local and international colleagues and we appreciate their continued support of our SpLD community.
We look forward to delivering you a “different” conference this year, we will not let the virus stop us from learning!
Ticket sales will be available on 27 April 2020 @ $75 each.