
By Khatijah Abdul Salam, DAS Fundraising Officer


I am a true-blue introvert and a homebody. And I thought this meant that working from home would be a breeze. I have never been more wrong in my entire life. See, for me, the vibe at home as always been super chill and relaxed, like a lazy Sunday afternoon that lasts forever.

In short, working from home is extremely counterproductive. Is this is the resting state of every procrastinator ever?  Coming home from a day’s work I leave my brain at the door. From the moment I step into my house, I am transformed into an instant-gratification zombie. No thinking, no worries, no work.

Which was great, to be honest. I completely unwind. It helps with stress.

So now when the home is also the office. Working against this vibe has been the biggest challenge for me. It does not help that there is no space for me to work in my own room. So, my workspace is in the living room, where the television is. As I draft emails and work on presentations, I can almost hear my spot on the couch, beckoning me with a sneaky smile, “Hey Khatijah, come and watch Netflix, with me?”

The struggle is real…

I cannot wait for #CircuitBreakerSG to end, where life goes back to normal and work means work and home is home again.

On a serious note, my biggest concern and priority now is maintaining and increasing the fundraising efforts for DAS. With the announcement of the Circuit Breaker measures, DAS has had to cancel and postpone almost all our fundraising campaigns and plans and as a result, we are strapped.  We are now tasked with coming up with creative fundraising methods that circumvent the Circuit Breaker measures.

Naturally, we look to digital fundraising. and Give.Asia is a great platform for us to start a campaign but that is only just the beginning. For an online campaign to be successful, it needs the right mix of promotion and visibility. And it needs the support of everyone involved.

DAS has 250 staff and thousands of DAS parents.  If everyone shares our campaign with their circle of friends, and those friends do the same, our targets will be easily achieved. This pandemic has affected us all, and it will take all of us working together to get through it.

This month I have worked for DAS for 2.5 years, And if there’s one thing that I have learned about the supportive spirit at DAS and the dyslexic community, it is that, together, we can do anything.

Please help DAS – Your donations can be made here:


#CircuitBreakerSG #SGunited #DASunited #WeGiveInSolidarity #EmbraceDyslexia