BRINA LIM – Embrace IT!

Brina Lim, a final year graphics design student and DAS Alumna, wants to help inspire people with dyslexia embrace their differences and encourage them to find their passion in life with her digital animation video, Embrace it!

“When I found out I was dyslexic in primary school, I struggled with finding confidence in the things I do as I wasn’t able to keep up with my studies in school. I started to blame myself for not being able to perform like others academically and often times I can’t keep up with my friends in class. However, the only thing I enjoyed doing in school was art as it gave me a sense of freedom and allowed me to express myself through my works. This then made me realised that having dyslexia doesn’t stop me from doing what I love and with that I found my passion for design and eventually pursued a diploma in Motion graphics and Broadcast design in Nanyang Polytechnic. This video is to help inspire people with dyslexia embrace their differences and to not let it stop them from finding their passion in life.”

Watch Brina’s video here: Embrace it!

Read more about Brina click here:

This article was published in FACETS Vol 1. 2019 – read it here!