Staff Directory


  • Senior Educational Therapist
  • RETA Associate Fellow
  • Bishan Learning Centre
  • Tampines Learning Centre

Farahin is a Senior Educational Therapist at Dyslexia Association Singapore (DAS) and has been with DAS since 2014. Past experiences working with other SEN children have sparked her interest in working with children with dyslexia and other specific learning differences. She first joined DAS as an educational therapist for the Main Literacy Programme (MLP). Over the years, through the opportunities given, she has worked with students on essential skills to cope with English Paper 2 through being a dual specialist for the Prep 2 PSLE programme (2016-2021). She then joined the Science team to be a dual specialist for the Science Explorers Programme in DAS (2022-present) and has since contributed actively through the development of resources, training of educational therapists, building of awareness with regards to the challenges faced by our students during events and also the growth of the DAS Science programme. In addition, She had conducted art holiday workshops in the past for children as she believes that a child should be developed holistically.


  • Post Graduate Certificate in Special Educational Needs
  • Specialist Diploma in Educational Therapy
  • BSc (Chemistry and Biological Chemistry)
  • Certificate in Supporting Children with Attentional and Hyperactivity Issues
  • Certificate in Executive Function Skills for Children with SEN


Bazinga!  Learning Science Can Be Fun: Tips and Strategies for Science Mastery – DAS BLOG (May 2023)