Joanne joined DAS in 2013 and is a Lead Educational Therapist. She provides intervention for students struggling with dyslexia and other specific learning differences on the DAS Main Literacy Programme (MLP). On top of MLP, Joanne is also part of the PREP 2 PSLE team, which creates resources, and curriculum and conducts classes targeting examinable components of the PSLE paper.
- Masters in Special Education Needs/ Additional Learning Needs (MASEN/ALN)
- Specialist Diploma in Specific Learning Differences (SpLD)
- Honours degree in Psychology with Counselling
- Investigating the impact of the English Exam Skills intervention programme on struggling learners without dyslexia (by Edmen, Tuty, Joanne and Emilyn)
- Motivation and Vocational Decision of Secondary School Students with Dyslexia (by Joanne Tan) note: this was submitted for Masters dissertation in December 2019.
- ERAS-APERA 2018 Conference
Never underestimate what a child can achieve.