Staff Directory


  • Lead Educational Therapist
  • RETA Associate Fellow
  • Jurong Point Learning Centre

Hamada joined the Dyslexia Association of Singapore (DAS) in 2015 and is now a Lead Educational Therapist at DAS Jurong Point Learning Centre. She has a dual specialisation in Literacy and Maths, where she teaches different strategies to help struggling learners become independent. Outside of her classroom, Hamada is a speaker of the DAS Outreach Team, where she presents Dyslexia Awareness Talks to schools and organisations.

She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Special Education Needs from the University of South Wales (UK), aspiring to contribute meaningfully to the ongoing pursuit of creating an inclusive society.


  • Post-Graduate Diploma in SEN/ALN (2018)
  • Certificate in Presentation Skills, DAS Academy (2017)
  • Certificate in Dyscalculia and Numeracy Teaching, DAS Academy (2017)
  • Specialist Diploma in Educational Therapy (EdT), DAS Academy (2016)

Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.
