Return to ONLINE Lessons

COVID-19 ADVISORY 22 – Return ONLINE Lessons


Dear Parents,

Although 95% of all DAS staff are now fully vaccinated and the safe management measures at our centres have been effective to date, it is still imperative that the DAS takes the necessary precautions for the safety of students and staff.

In view of the rising number of covid-19 cases in the community, MOE has announced on 18 September that all primary school pupils will start home-based learning from 27 September to 6 October 2021. This is to avoid exposing pupils to the risk of getting COVID-19 just before the exams. In line with the government’s stance and to avoid co-mingling of students from multiple schools, DAS will be switching most of its programmes in all 14 centres online from Thursday 23 September to Wednesday 6 October.

DAS Assessment Services, Preschool Programme, Speech and Language Therapy and DAS International Specialist Tutoring will continue in person at all centres.

Front counters at DAS Learning Centres and DAS Academy will be manned as per our regular opening hours. However, to limit the number of people at our front counters, parents should make an appointment if you wish to engage our front counter staff

I am aware this is short notice so I am most appreciative of your support in our decision to continue online so that your child’s learning will not be disrupted.

If you have any clarification, please contact your educational therapist or the learning centre for support and advice. Once again, we are most heartened by the resilience of our students and thank you for working with us to support your child.

Stay safe and healthy.

Warm regards,

Lee Siang
Chief Executive Officer