COVID-19 ADVISORY 19 – Return to Online Lessons – Phase 2 Heightened Alert till 18 Aug
Dear Parents
In our advisory dated 21 July 2021, we advised parents that face-to-face lessons for children on the preschool programme will remain as in-person classes. In view of continued developments, and instructions we have received from the ECDA, DAS will also have to move all our pre-school classes online effective 24 July 2021. This will likely continue until the end of the current Phase 2 Heightened Alert (i.e. 18 August). We seek your understanding and co-operation as we do our part to manage the current heightened COVID-19 measures.
As classes go online, DAS is offering Home-Based Learning Support so that we can continue to serve the children with early literacy learning needs. We urge all parents to work with us so that your child’s learning support will not be interrupted. For the period as advised by the government, we will be rolling out Home-Based Learning Support which will comprise of two components: 1. Online Learning (OnL) and 2. Take-Home Learning Pack (THLP) for all our preschool classes.
- The duration of the online lesson will be for 1 hour 15 minutes, this may be longer or shorter depending on your child’s attention span for online lessons. Rest assured that we will work closely with you and your child to offer the most beneficial home-based learning support plan.
- During online learning, it is necessary to have a stable internet connection, a working laptop, and headphones. If you do not have WIFI access or a laptop, please inform us. We will look at alternative arrangements that may support you during this time.
- Your child will require adult supervision during the lesson, especially as your child gets familiar with the lesson and for technical assistance.
- If you are receiving financial assistance from DAS, do take note that attendance is compulsory unless there is a valid reason. Attendance for each lesson will only be marked for students who complete their home-based learning support package.
If you have any clarification, please contact your preschool educational therapist or the learning centre for support and advice. Once again, we thank you for working with us to support your child.
Yours sincerely,
Edmen Leong
Director, Specialised Educational Services,
Dyslexia Association of Singapore