回应家长申诉不尽完善 王乙康:会打造世界级教育体制

Media: Lianhe Zaobao

Author: Xu Xiangyu

Date: 25 May 2018

有读写障碍的范宇晶(右)在读写障碍协会首届慈善高尔夫球活动和慈善晚宴上,将自己其中一幅画作赠送给教育部长王乙康。(读写障碍协会提供) Fan Yujing (right), who has dyslexia, presented one of his paintings to Education Minister Ong Ye Kung at the first charity golf event and charity dinner of the Dyslexia Association. (Courtesy of the Dyslexia Association)

Previously faced difficulties in reading, Ong Ye Kung: I only spoke fluent English at the age of 18.
