Keshvinn Naidu, DAS Alumni President


  • President, DAS Student Alumni
  • DAS Young Achiever Award 2017
  • DAS Student from 2007 to 2014

I would first like to begin with the start to my journey, when I was 8 years old my parents discovered I was dyslexic. I remembered my mother trying to button my shirt and tie my shoe laces, how she would try her best to teach me and no matter how hard I tried, I could never really do It. My mother was very frustrated so she did some research and she sent me for a test. It was assessed that I was dyslexic. Being an 8-year-old I did not really understand the term and I saw no weight to it. My mother was very afraid and she worried for my future.

I then enrolled in the Dyslexia Association of Singapore, it was a new start for me, something I thought I would never experience. I met teachers who would teach me and many more lecturers that have been there for my journey. I learned about myself and what I want to achieve as well as how far I can go.

At the time, I was in primary school and I was told I was dyslexic, I recall receiving additional time for my exams. When I was given that extra time, my classmates teased me. It can be very demoralizing at times. However, when I would attend the DAS lessons, it would be an escape, a home away from home. I loved that feeling as I stepped into class every Thursday and every Saturday. I had that feeling for 10 years and it never changed.

My DAS journey has been a very fun and enriching experience. I have made many friends and have learned many things. DAS has helped me to achieve my goals and taught me that dyslexia is not a disadvantage but an advantage. Thank you DAS for allowing me to reach my horizons.

I moved on to go to secondary school, I could progress to Ping Yi Secondary School under the normal academic stream. While I was there I did my best and during my studies in the normal academic stream I received an A1 for my English in the GCE N Level examinations. It was a big personal achievement for me. Because I was never very good at English and I only learnt to read and write at the age of 9 years old and It was a real struggle. My teachers would understand where I am coming from when I said I really couldn’t read and write.

No matter how hard I tried for me to achieve that was a very big thing for me. I moved on to doing my GCE O Levels, I tried my best but I did not do so well. I received an aggregate of 28 points.

This would mean that I could only continue my education in ITE under the higher Nitec. At first I was very devastated, I was incredibly sad. The stigma is when someone goes to ITE it’s the end. A very sad but true statement, as this is the stigma of the public. However, when I went to ITE, my eyes were open. I met people that I thought I would never meet. I had fantastic lecturers one of them is Mr. Marvin Ho, my class advisor. He never gave up on me and always gave me opportunities. I worked very hard under the specialised program for hospitality. The training was done in such a way that it was hands on and fun and we were graded for that.

I was appointed the president of the Green Ambassador Club. A Champion Club in ITE that functions to run student driven initiatives and give students the opportunity to be heard. Give the everyday student the opportunity to do things they would never be able to do. I was the President of this club. I just stepped down a few weeks ago.

I have been recognised my things that I thought I would never be able to achieve, but at the end of the day it is important to recognise that the students who are graduating today, your journey has just begun all the things you have learned from the time you have been in DAS. Will not only determine what you do but what you achieve. If you work very hard and remember all the teachings of your teachers, then you will go incredibly far.

There were times where I was down and I didn’t know what to do. I would remember Mrs. Karen’s advice, I would remember her teachings and I would understand what I had to do. I couldn’t count how many times that has happened. A huge thank you to Mrs. Karen for all your time spent in me and teaching me for 10 years.

A big thank you to my mother and father who have always been there for me and supported me and helping me become who I am. Thank you mom and dad I love you.

I would also like to thank Mr. Marvin Ho, My class advisor in ITE, he had the most confidence and faith in me, faith I didn’t even have in myself, he guided me and inspired me and if not for him I would not be in front of you today. Thank you, Mr. Marvin.

I would like to share a quote that guided me,

“We are born the same yet we are different, why try to blend in with the rest of the crowd when you were born to stand out, don’t spend the rest of life trying to fit, accept who you are. That’s how you understand what you can really do. “