DAS Research


Physical Status and Nutrient Intake in Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Children Compared with Typically Developing Children

Dian Dwi Sary Mustika Febryany, Gunawan, Nelfi Fitria
Department of Child Health, Zainab Hospital, Pekanbaru, Indonesia


The number of cases of children with ASD has risen dramatically. Provisional evidence also suggests children with ASD may be at increased risk for the nutritional and medical problem related to feeding behaviours, including nutrient deficiencies and growing problem.

To compare physical status, intake of energy and macronutrients among ASD children and Typically Developing (TD) children.

Perceptual and Phonological Difficulties in Multilingual Children with Dyslexia: Evidence from Telugu Native Speakers

Suvarna Rekha Chinta; Bapi Raju Surampudi; Bipin Indurkhya
1. International Institute of Information Technology-Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
2. Cognitive Science Program, Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland

Telugu is an alpha-syllabic/ Akshara based South Indian language with orthographic consistency. The phoneme is not the basic unit of Telugu orthography nor the reading instructions based on phoneme. In that case, how a phoneme deficit can underlie reading difficulties in this population? Thus we predict that the phoneme deficits need not be the cause for reading difficulties, it could be
perceptual or RAN deficits among Telugu native speakers.

Indonesian Dyslexia Early Identification System

Kristiantini Dewi1, Helena Nurramdhani Irmanda2, Purboyo Solek1

1Dyslexia Association of Indonesia
2Telkom University

Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty in language areas such as the language used for oral,
written and social communication. Dyslexia causes difficulties in reading, writing, spelling
and executive function. Therefore dyslexia causes difficulty in reading, further, it will affect
not only academic success but also self-esteem and social-emotional development.

Dyslexia cannot be cured, but the impact can be significantly reduced if identified and well
intervened as early as possible (International Dyslexia Association, 2013).

Problems in Indonesia are minimal and unequal dyslexia awareness, huge population that
brings a high number of dyslexic children, very few dyslexic experts, time and cost-inefficient
to get assessment and intervention from a reliable centre, all led to unintervened cases that
prone to poor long-term outcome. Therefore a valid and reliable yet easily accessed tool for
identifying the risk of dyslexia in pre-school aged is mandatory.

This study proposed dyslexia early identification system for Indonesian which can be used
by everyone and applied for a child as early as 5 to 7 years old at anywhere and anytime,
and generate a report that is in line with the Indonesian language and culture.

Feeding Problems, Gastrointestinal Symptoms and the Impact for their Families in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Compared with Typically Developing Children

Dian Dwi Sary Mustika Febryany, Gunawan, Nelfi Fitria
Department of Child Health, Zainab Hospital, Pekanbaru, Indonesia

It is increasingly recognised that children with ASD often have feeding problems and shows Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms.  Although the reports of the feeding problems
and GI symptoms seems to be similar for Typically Developing (TD) children, there is some suggestion that
these problems are more prevalent in children with ASD.
The identification of these problems seems to be complex and challenging. Persistent problems may have
other impacts for their families.

To compare the frequency of feeding problems, GI symptoms and the impact of these problems for the family.